Halloween is just around the corner and volunteers are needed! Whether you like to help set up animatronics, decorate a Haunted Train, or dress up in costumes and spook visitors or pass out candy to trick or treaters, we need all the help we can get.
The schedule for the museum's Halloween event:
10/26 & 27, 10 am-4 pm
And/or 10/28 4:30-6:30 pm -
Haunted Train set up (decorate inside coach, set up animatronics, etc.) - We need a lot of help!
Day of event, Oct 31
Arrive by 3:30 pm and event runs til 7:30 pm -
Halloween event haunting crew inside the coach, passing out candy and directing visitors - We need 14 volunteers and we have 5 so far. Please wear costumes.
Please call or text Dave Naples at 970.281.9094 or email him at moffatrailroad@gmail.som with any questions you may have or to sign up to volunteer!
#HauntedTrain #SpooktacularEvent #volunteersneeded #MoffatMuseum